Wednesday, July 30, 2014

They ain't no Obee Dance School in the summertime, so Momma goed an' signed me up for some nother classes what's apposed a belax me so's I don't bees such a moron. They's called Yoghurt Class; an' when Momma maked me put on my Yoghurt Uniform what fits like a banana skin; I tole her, well, I ain't goin'. But she sayed, ya you is. An' then I goed. Everbody were learnin' for to breathe, an' stretch, an' belax; an' guess what? When Scabby Doyle beed callin' me a ballerina on my way home; I weren't even mad! I jus' belaxed, an' taked a big breath, an' then I downward doggied right on hims fat stupid head atill he cried an' I maked him call me Uncle George. Now I's gonna practice practice very all a time atill I gits my black belt in Yoghurt. Then if Scabby wannas be mean on me again, I's prawly gonna make him call me Auntie George!

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