Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Momma don't never lets me goin' out by myself acause she all a time says what I bees too young. So today I thunk, well, I is gonna trick Momma then; an' I gussied up like a ole lady. A ole China lady, even. When Momma sayed, George, what is you doin' lookin' so reedickilous? I tole her, I doesn't knows no George, Momma. I bees China Lilly; goin' for a walk. But Momma sayed, George, you take that nonsense offa yous foolish head. You ain't goin' nowhere. Clive figures what Momma prawly seed what I were walkin' on four a my legs. Skin peoples only walks on theys back legs, he sayed. I prawly coulda gotted past Momma if them skin folks woulda quit theys fancy steppin' an' walk proper like the rest a us.

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