Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mrs. Pearson beed teachin' us 'bout faith at Sunday School today. She sayed what Jesus used of all a time fix fellas an' tole 'em, git up an' go home now, yous ain't crippley no more; jus' don't not tole nobody what I done. Mrs. Pearson sayed what Jesus sayed what if ya believes what you bees a mustard seed, then you can make miracles too! So I hadda try it out at recess acause Scabby Doyle cracked hims head on my baseball bat an'  knocked hisself out. I thunk, mustard, mustard, I is mustard... an' I tole Scabby, git on up, Scabby, you bees fine. An' don't be tellin' nobody what I done, neither. 'Cept we hadda call the yambylance an' Scabby gotted sewed up like a teddy bear. Prawly I weren't really believin' what I beed mustard. I thinks it woulda beed better if Jesus gonna make ketchup magic astead. I prawly coulda beed ketchup.

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