Sunday, April 20, 2014

Me an' Momma hadded very fun this mornin' huntin' for eggs what the Easter Rabbit hided last night when we was sleepin'. Momma keeped on sayin', put yous eggs in the basket, Georgie; don't not eat 'em all on once. An' I were tryin'; 'cept for my mouth keeped gettin' in the way. Momma tole me, you is gonna rot yous teeths right outta yous face, George. I jus' thunk what that were foolish talk. But after we was done huntin' an' Momma seed what my basket beed empty, she sayed, Georgie! What did you done? I gived Momma my cute-boy smile an' then she screamed. Now I is mad as holy heck at that Easter Rabbit. I gottsa git a hold a the Tooth Fairy right away quick. Prawly he gonnas be able a fix this Easter Rabbit mess.

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