Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today at Sunday School Mrs. Pearson beed teachin' us what ya all a time gots a be kind on ever peoples ya meets acause maybe one a them peoples really bees a Angel. All on a sudden my brains started cracklin' like Mice Krispies. I bemembered 'bout how come I never drownded to deaf that time what Clive pushed me outta the boat. An' how come I hasn't never beed runned over by a bus even know I runs on the road ever sometimes. An', when Mr. Brown beed chasin' me outta hims garbage; he felled down, but I jus' flewed away... LIKE A ANGEL! So I tole Mrs. Pearson, I thinks what I must of bees one a them Angels what nobody knows they's a Angel, Mrs. Pearson. On first, I thunk she beed gonna cry from seein' a Angel, acause her mouth gotted all twisted up. But then she busted up laughin' jus' like crazy ole Mrs. Linkbom done when the yambylance carted her off. Then alla kids was laughin', too. Which, that weren't kind what so all. They all prawly better watch they's nuts 'n bolts. When all the nother Angels hears 'bout this; theys no tellin' what a flock a mad Angels gonna git up to.

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