Monday, April 7, 2014

Grampy comed home lookin' all spiffy today, so I axed him, how come you's wearin' that big-girl blouse, Grampy? Did ya got a job? He tole me no, he jus' wented to see Madame Mystique The Paw Reader. I were wonderin' who the haystack has beed writin' notes on Grampy's feets; but he splained what a Paw Reader bees kinda like a talkin' fortune cookie. Grampy only jus' goed for to to find out if Grammy evers gonna come back to him. But when I gotted inside her tent, Georgie, he sayed, that Madame Mystique were the prettiest smellin' bitch I has ever sniffed. I forgetted 'bout Grammy an' I axed her does ya wanna bees my future wife? She tole me, you is gonna git outta here right now! Then she ringed a bell an' a big bald fella comed in the tent an' I gotted outta there right smart. I sayed, so, she really done sawed the future, huh, Grampy? Yup. That bees alls he hadda say 'bout that.

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