Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I never even knowed what Grampy never even knowed what I bees left-pawed atill he seed me eatin' dinner tonight. He axed me how come I beed holdin' my bowl with my left paw, an' I sayed, acause I bees left-pawed, Grampy. Then Grampy sayed, tsk, tsk. You bemind me 'bout a fella name a Lefty Goggins. He losed hims right paw in a accident. One day Lefty besided for to hitch-hiker hisself to the beach, an' that were the last what anybody has ever seed a Lefty. He never thunk 'bout he could only hitch-hiker one way. He didn't got a paw for to turn 'round an' hitch back home. He prawly bees somewheres in China, still tryin' for to git a ride home right now, Georgie. I tole Grampy, well, a least I still gots all a my paws, Grampy. I jus' bees left-pawed like Momma. Then Momma sayed, I ain't left-pawed, George. An' I sayed, ya, you is. Grampy tole me. He sayed what you dance like ya gots two left paws. Now nobody bees gettin' dessert tonight. All acause a some Lefty Goggins fella what I doesn't even care 'bout. Great.

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