Sunday, June 15, 2014

At Sunday School today we was singin' 'bout Jesus lovin' me this I knows; an' I hadda stood beside a Mary Ellen Bloody Hound. Which, that beed awful, acause she were soundin' like Grampy blowin' hims nose. So I jus' singed louder 'n louder for to make sure what Jesus gonna hear me. Then Mrs. Pearson axed me does I thinks what Jesus wanna got yelled at like that? I sayed, no, M'am; but prawly He don't wanna hear Mary Ellen honkin' like that, neither. So we both of us hadda whisper-sing after that. An' guess what? I heared Jesus say, thanks you, George. Right inside a my ear! That song must of  bees right. Jesus do loves me! Not so much Mary Ellen, though. He tole me that, too.

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