Saturday, May 24, 2014

So me an' Momma was jus' mindin' my own business, havin' a nice sunshiney walk today; an' jus' like that, it all goed to hickory sticks. That crabby apple Mrs. Allen runned outta her house like as if her socks was on fire, screamin' like Grampy's kettle. Git offa my grass, you hairy, droopy-face mutt! Which, that beed rude. So I hollered back on her, does ya gots raisins in yous eye holes? Acause my Momma weren't even on her grass. Then Momma tugged on her leash so hard what I almost choked to deaf. An' she beed chokin' me to deaf all a ways home, too. I gots no ideas how come she bees so mad on me; I jus' sticked up for her, is all. But that ain't the worst thing, neither. I hadda done a lot a lot a walkin' for to train Momma not to pull on her leash; an' now I gots a do it all over again. All acause a that crabby apple.

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