Thursday, September 5, 2013


Ever sometime sometime if Grammy bees too borin', she gits herself gussied up for to go an' has a visit at Percy Doomsy's Funeral Parlour. Which, that bees kinda like a Beauty Parlour; 'cept the customers is all dead. Grammy says what that prawly bees okay, acause Percy ain't the best hairs dresser in town anyhows. But he do makes the nicest fancy samwiches and sweet-bites around.  Grammy were goin' out for dinner at Percy Doomsy's tonight; but she comed home early an' mad acause Mr. Percy stopped her at the door. Does you knows the deceased? He axed her. Grammy tole him what she ain't got no disease; but he still wouldn't not let her in. What is the name of the deceased, M'am? He axed again. So Grammy sayed, Chicken Pox. Then he sayed, go home. Now Grammy bees slammin' pots aroun' acause she gots a cook her own dinner; and if she gonnas hafta take a taxi flat across town to Grimsby's Funeral Parlour; then she ain't gonna has a cheap night out no more. I thinks that Percy Doomsy were too mean on Grammy. Chicken Pox bees a good disease.

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