Sunday, September 22, 2013


At Sunday School today, Mrs. Pearson beed teachin' us 'bout a fella called Moses; an' Moses setted a bush on fire an' then he jus' sitted aroun' an' talked to it. I thunk he shoulda gotted in trouble for settin' fires, but Mrs. Pearson sayed, no, George, he never done it. That bush jus' beed burnin' when Moses gotted there. An' God beed talkin' right outta that bush! So I axed her, well, if I sets Momma's spider plant on fire, does ya thinks what angels is gonna talk at me? Which, she sayed, never, never play with matches, George. Then she tole me, no, not lilghters, neither. I's thinkin' 'bout puttin' that plant in the oven, 'cept prawly a angel gonna thinks what that bees too hot. But I's gonna give it a go anyhows, acause I hates spiders. Momma shouldn't not be growin' 'em in the house.

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