Sunday, October 13, 2013


I beed bawlin' my eyes off afore Sunday School this mornin' acause I seed my Momma slappin' a big bare-naked baby alls aroun' the kitchen. Which, that never minded me so much atill she sayed, I's jus' gonna dress Edna an' stick 'er in the oven, George. Now you go get dressed! THAT were when I bawled. And that bees how come I dressed me all spectacular; so maybe Momma prawly don't wanna stick me in the oven an' wreck my handsome clothes all to heck an' gone. Mrs Pearson tole us, today bees Thanksgivening, childrens. Then she axed us, what is you thanksful for? I tole everbody what I thanks on God what Edna gotted dressed first today; so Momma ain't gonna cook me to deaf in the oven.

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