Monday, October 14, 2013


At Obee Dance School today I gotted to go at the Agility Ability class with the big boys acause Mrs. Barker finally teached me how to sit down. She sayed, now you is gonna learn how to climb this ladder, Georgie! So I jus' putted one foot on the sladder, then the nother one, then the nother one, then the nother one... like that. It beed easy. Mrs. Barker thunk what I were mazin'; but then she goed  an' sayed, you's like a dancin' bear in the circus, George! Which, that maked me fell offa that sladder, an' the sladder felled over, too. I tole  Mrs. Barker, I ain't dancin' bare-naked for nobody; even know I loves the circus. My poor Momma gonna has fifty tits when she hears 'bout this. Prawly she gonnas wanna take me at figured skatin' school astead.

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