Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I is doggone sick 'n tired a pointy-face-whisker-nose cat peoples what thinks what they's glamour-puss fat cat kitty cats jus' bees the cat's pyjamas. So today I gotted all stinkered up in a dumpster, then I putted on a cat face an' rided the bus all over town. Everbody maked smelly faces on me, an' looked on me like; you bees a deesgustin' cat. Which, that were zactly what I wanted! I beed so surprised when Momma gotted on my bus for to come home from work. She looked like as if she seed a horror movie when she sawed me sittin' there stinkin' out the bus. Her face goed all white-ish, an' I thunk what she were gonna say, oh, George, you is a bad dog! But nothin' comed outta her mouth even know it beed movin' like words was in there. Prawly the cat gotted her tongue!

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