Sunday, June 5, 2016

Today when Momma were gittin' Betsy ready for Sunday School, she keeped on sayin', oh, who bees the prettiest girl aroun'? Who beeees the prettiest girl?? Over 'n over 'n over 'n over atill I started tastin' my breakfast again. Finally I hadda sayed, does ya thinks what yous Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Momma? Then Betsy tole me, Momma says I looks jus' like Snow White, Georgie. That must of means what you ploblably is the Seventeen Warts what I lives with! An' she beed talkin' all princessy, puffin up her hairs an' her stupid dress. Well, firsty, Professor Hindstone, I tole her, it bees Sevendy Wharfs where Snow White was livin'. An' plus, I ain't not never bein' nobody's wharf. But Momma an' Betsy was both a them laughin' on me, tryin' a beside do they wannas call me Grumpy, or Sneezy... Then Momma sayed, oh, crispy cringles, look at the time! Yous childrens gottsa git goin. Now you be a good boy an' walk yous sister to school, Dopey! I can't not hardly wait atill I's twenty-six or thirty an' I can move the heck outta here.

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