Sunday, June 19, 2016

At Sunday School today, Mrs. Pearson beed teachin' us childrens alls 'bout  sharin', an' share an' share alike, an' don't not be so greedy acause that bees the seven deadish sin. That beminded me 'bout a story what Grampy tole me 'bout hims cousint Stanley Stanley. Grampy sayed what Stanley Stanley haved a wife called Sharon; 'cept for everbody called her Sharin' Sharon on account a she beed a floozy. Which, I ain't sure what that means, but Grampy sayed, that woman beed looser 'an a turkey's neck, Georgie. My poor cousint beed so bareassed when everbody sayed, oh look, here comes Stanley Stanley an' Sharin' Sharon ever time they goed anywheres. Stanley Stanley finally hadda deevorce Sharin' Sharon acause she keeped on bringin' home crabs, Grampy tole me. Maybe he were vallergic to seafood, I ain't sure. But I tole Mrs. Pearson what that story bees a very good zample 'bout sharin', specially the crab part acause all the Postles beed fishin' men too! Mrs. Pearson jus' sayed, thank you George. I thinks she prawly beed surprised what I knows so much 'bout all the Postles an' stuff.

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