Saturday, June 11, 2016

So tonight at supper, I pronounced for everbody to knows what I bees in love with the beautifullest little Pug I has ever seed what's called Betty Davis. Grampy gotted all spit-talky an' he sayed, what? A pig? Not no grandson a mine gonna bees fallin' for no pig, Georgie; it jus' ain't not right. Then Betsy tole Grampy, not a pig, Grampy, Georgie bees in love with a BUG. Acause she gots eyes what bugs out like she bees blowin' up balloons all a time, forout ever stoppin'. Theys ploblably gonna has a bunch a baby bugs if they gets married, right Georgie? Well, Momma stomped her fork down an' sayed, there bees no talkin' 'bout sex at the dinner table, that ain't the propriate! Some mashed potatoes flewed outta Momma's mouth when she sayed, s-e-x; so we all a us started laughin' on her, an' I thunk she were gonna bust out a cry atill Grammy sayed, speakin' a sex; I gottsa go git ready for my karaoke! Then Momma an' Grampy both beed deesgusted on Grammy; an' ahind everbody's back Betsy keeped on callin' me Georgie the Bugger Boxer Boy.  So, I has besided what I's prawly gonna hafta fall in love with some nother girl some nother time. An' then I ain't tellin' nobody nothin' 'bout it neither.

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