Monday, September 15, 2014

I were beggin' Momma today for to please, please, git me some bracelets on my teeths; acause all a girls at Obee Dance School has beed teasin' me 'bout Georgie Peorgie kissin' the girls an' makin' 'em cry.  They was sayin' all a girls is gonna cry acause my alligator teeths is gonna stick up thems nose when I kisses 'em. Momma sayed, oh, Georgie, they ain't no such thing like bracelets for doggie teeths. She tole me, don't not listen on them silly girls, Georgie. You is a handsome boxer boy. You's always gonna has Momma here for to kiss you. Which, that jus' feels like deesgusstin'. But I never sayed nothin'; acause prawly Momma gonna cry if she knowed that. An' I's tryin' very hard for to stop kissin' on girls an' makin' 'em cry.

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