Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mrs. Pearson maked everbody do a new pray at Sunday School today. We hadda shake a paw with our neighbour an' tell 'em, Go In Peace; else, Peace Be With You. So Clive shaked hims paw on me an' tole me, PISS be with you, neighbour; an' he were talkin' all farm-boyish. Which, I thunk that beed sooo funny; I besided for to tell my neighbour Scabby, Go 'An Piss Up A Tree, why don't ya? 'Cept Mrs. Pearson beed walkin' 'round listenin' on all a childrens. An' my paw gotted stucked up her dress when I were reachin' for my neighbour. Mr. George! She yelled on me. Prayin' at The Lord ain't no cause for to make a deesgustin' joke. I woulda telled her what I beed talkin' to Scabby, not The Lord; but I couldn't not look on her. On account a I jus' seed her undiewears. I thinks what prawly that beed my punishment from God already; but I jus' goed out an' sitted in the hallway any ole how.

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