Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today I gotted gussied up for to sure show that Clive an' Scabby Doyle what I ain't no idiot like they's all a time sayin'. But when I telled them I has beed beclared the  Number One Boxer Boy of East Windsor of The World... They laughed on me. Then they called me liar liar pants on fire. But I didn't not care, acause I were betendin' they was ducks. Which, Grampy telled me that trick. So I jus' only heared; quackity quack, duck, duck, in my brains; atill they sayed what my nose bees like a telephone wire. Then all a my duck thinkin' runned outta my mouth an' I tole 'em: Clive an' Scabby, yous bees ducks. An' yous noses is as big as F***. Plus, yous pants is too long. Momma prawly's gonna wanna kill me when she finds out 'bout this. 'Cept for, I's gonna bemind her 'bout I bees the Number One Boxer Boy. Prawly gonna keep my hat on for a couple or a few days.

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