Sunday, August 24, 2014

Grampy hadda come an' git me at Sunday School today acause Momma bees feeded up with my shenanigans, an' Mrs. Pearson were all mad acause I keeped on callin' her Mrs. P. Which, that maked everbody laugh they's faces off an' call her Mrs. Peepee; an' she thunk it were all my fault even know I only sayed one pee. But Grampy weren't mad on me what so all. He sayed, oh, I done worser 'n that, Georgie. I axed him, what did ya done, Grampy? An' he tole me 'bout one time he hadded a dance with a bearded lady acause he feeled sorry for her; an' it turned out she beed a lumberjack in a dress. Seem  to me what that gotted nothin' to do with Mrs. Peepee; but then Grampy buyed me a donut an' tole me, go home an' act like I gived you what-for. An' don't tell nobody 'bout me dancin' with Leonard the Lumberjack, neither. So I ain't never sayin' nothin' 'bout that.

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