Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Grammy Bob gotted all poodled up for to go out dancin' tonight, an' she axed me, does I looks drop-dead gorgeous, George? I were thinkin', well, I'm rather be dead astead a dancin' with the looks a that. But I never sayed nothin'. Then Grammy axed me, why is ya lookin' on me like I's from outta space? Stop that! So I tried a smile, an' she tole me, git that smirk offa yous face. So then I tried on a snarly-face, an' Grammy gotted real quite. Forout even movin' her mouth she sayed all snakey-like, you better wipe yous face right offa yous face, young man. Or else! Which, I prawly can't not even do that.  I jus' hopes on heaven what some poor fella axes her for to dance tonight.

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