Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I waked up from my nap today with a nose full a stink; like a pile a dead froggies stirred up with a house on fire. Well I right away quick  runned aroun' screamin' 9-1-1...9-1-1... git outta the house everbody... acause I thunk what I were savin' my family's life. Like a hero. But Momma jus' sayed, why is you makin' such the motion, Georgie? You's actin' all foolish. I tole her, Momma, this place smells like a scary movie. We gottsa git, Momma; there must of bees some kinda poison gas let loose in here. C'mon! For your information, Mr. Smart Alex, Momma sayed, (forout movin' her lips), I is cookin' a new recipe for supper tonight, an' you is gonna eat it, an' you is gonna joy it. Which, no I ain't. I'm rather starve to deaf astead a choke to deaf. Prawly Grampy bees thinkin' the same thing like me, too. I hadda tole him, go find yous own hidey hole, they ain't room for two in here.

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