Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I hadded a bad day today on account a Grammy an' Grampy beed in a terrible argue all day long. I still ain't sure what they was even fightin' over. Firsty Grammy sayed, Edward, is ya ever gonna look on that kitchen tap I axed ya to? Grampy sayed, Maisy, if it ain't broke, I don't not fix it. Well, a stitch in time saves nine, Edward, she sayed back on him. Why doesn't you jus' try then Maisy; is yous hands painted on? Maybe I will, Grammy barked. I prawly doesn't need yous help. After alls, a fool with a tool still jus' bees a fool any ole how. Ain't that the pot callin' the kettle black, Grampy sayed right afore he spitted. Oh, why does I even bother, Grammy sayed, everbody knows what ya can't not teach a ole dog new tricks. They keeped on gittin' louder an' louder, and sayin' stuff what beed stupider an' stupider atill I finally axed 'em for to pipe down. Grammy tole me I gots a chip outta my shoulder, an' Grampy sayed what they shoulda throwed me out with the bathwater when I beed a baby. I jus' sayed well, a least yous two ain't fightin' with each the nother now. But Grampy sayed, don't not count yous chickens afore they bees hatched, son... it ain't not over atill the fat lady sings. Then Grammy throwed a plate. Home sweet home.

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