Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Today when I were walkin' Momma she beed goin' so slow, an' her leash were tuggin' on my neck so hard what I finally axed her, is ya tryin' a decaffeinate me or somethin', Momma? Pick up them feets an' walk, would ya? Then Momma tole me what her feets bees too sore on account a she gots a thritis in 'em. So I tole her, well, git that thritis outta there an' let's go! But it don't works like that, she sayed. I's gonna gotta git to the doctor; I prawly needs a drug for to fix it. Well I jus thunk, Momma don't needs no doctor; I can drug her right the heck now! An' then I done zactly that. I drugged her roun' that whole tire block, cryin' an' all; faster 'an I has ever ever goed afore. I didn't even nevermind 'bout my poor lil neck, neither. An' guess what? Not the nother word outta her 'bout that ole thritis! That must of beed a good ole miracle drug what I gived Momma!

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