Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mrs. Pearson comed to Sunday School today with her dress on crookit, an' her hair all lookin' like funder an' lightenin'.  Yous childrens gottsa save yous soles, she beed tellin' us very loudish. Which, I sayed, well, I ain't worried 'bout my soles, Mrs. Pearson, acause Momma prawly gonna jus' git me some new shoes if my soles bees wored out. GEORGE MADIGAN! I is talkin' 'bout the unvisible SOUL what God have putted in yous belly. What is full a lovin' kindness an' goodness, an' you sure the heck dang best of be thinkin' 'bout savin' yous SOUL, young man. She hollered so hard  my toes was jigglin'. So now I is savin' up alls my lovin' kindness for the Soul Train To Heaven. I tole Betsy what she bees too fat for to wear her bathin' suit an' maked her cry. Then I tole Scabby Doyle what nobody likes him, an' his Momma looks like a man. If I woulda knowed it coulda beed so easy for to be pleasin' to the Lord Of High, I prawly woulda started a couple weeks ago.

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