Sunday, February 23, 2014

I meeted Scabby Doyle when we was walkin' to Sunday School today an' I axed him, how come you is all shinied up an' smellin' so nice, Scabby?  He sayed he sneaked hims big brother's Barkey Boy Beef Stew odorant an' gelled hims hairs acause he bees gonna meet hims Love Dove after church. Scabby has beed betendin for to be a handsome man at the Plenty O Pups. But what if yous love dove bees a ugly sack a stink, Scabby? He sayed, she gonna has red flowers in her hairs, Georgie. My Gladys bees beautiful an' I loves her. I sayed, did you said Glad Ass? But then we goed inside. An' guess what? Mrs. Pearson beed all shinied up. She hadded RED FLOWERS sticked in her hair. Scabby throwed up in hims mouth. I laughed so bad what I peed. Prawly Scabby gonna wanna be nice to me for a good long time.  

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