Thursday, October 23, 2014

I hadda taught Momma a lesson today acause she has beed actin' like a smart pants at the park. Snappin' she's fingers an' 'spectin' what I's gonna sit 'n stay, or come 'n go... She prawly thinks what she bees some kinda Magical Blizzard or somethin'. So when we goed out today an' she snapped on me; I thunk, okay, Momma. Ya wanna bees magical? Then I distappeared. She were snappin' like a glamingo dancer, lookin' hither an' tither; atill I besided for to come back. Momma been so worried,  she sayed, Georgie, please don't never distappear like that again! So I tole her, Momma, ya gottsa quit snappin' on me. It bees bareassin'. Ya gottsa treat me like a spectacle human bean. An' she sayed, okay, Georgie. When it were time to go I tole her, you can drive, Momma; I's jus' gonna sit in the back. Now she bees all happy again.

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