Friday, October 31, 2014

I goed Trick or Treatin' tonight with Clive an' Velma an' it beed the funnest fun ever; 'cept for the terrible part. I beed Count Bracula, an' I were tellin' everbody, I vanna drink up yous blood; an' then they gived me candy! Which, that beed the fun part. Stupid Velma beed the terrible part. Firsty, she hadda go an' been The Bride A Bracula. (Like as if I's ever gonna marry my own cousint.) An' she keeped on sayin', oh, Georgie, does ya wants my candy kisses? I finally hadda tole her, shut-up you ugly thing; for to make her stop. Then I hadda give her three chocolate bars an' a can a pop so's she don't tell on me. But I gots a plan for next Halloween already. I's jus' gonna dress up like Momma, so prawly nobody gonna wanna marry me! I hadda give Momma FIVE chocolate bars after I telled her that. A least I keeped my last nother can a pop.

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