Thursday, October 29, 2015

Today I tried a nicely tell my big little older sister Betsy what she oughta chew on a bone or drink some a Grammy's mint tea or somethin'. See all a them crinkly leaves on a ground? I axed her. You's stinky breath have knocked 'em all offa the trees, I sayed. Well a course, she hadda go cryin' on Momma 'bout George bees such a meanie-ass; then Momma hadda go an' git mad all over me. But Momma, I tole her, I can smell Betsy's breath ten minutes after she have leaved the room. Momma sayed, oh, Georgie, jus' hushshsh.... an' I couldn't not believe my nose. Seem like Momma done been drinkin' outta Betsy's water bowl. I's prawly gonna hafta turn into a outside doggie. Elsewise them girls is gonna snuffocate me to deaf.

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