Sunday, December 22, 2013

Everbody beed all excitin' at Sunday School today acause Mrs. Pearson sayed, childrens, we has a special visitor this mornin'! I thunk it must of bees God; but, nope. Even better. It beed Santy Claus! He were sittin' in the teachers chair an' sayin' HoHo, an' everthin' beed happy atill Clive hadda go an' tole Santy what Scabby Doyle wantsa has  ballerina shoes for Christmas. Next I knowed, Scabby clouted me acause he thunk I beed Clive an' then I bited Whitey Easton but it beed a accident acause I were only sayin' OW; an' hims head gotted in my mouth. Then all a girls was cryin', an' all a boys was snarlin', an' chairs was fallin' over, an' Princess Peterson peed on Santy's feets. Santy leaved. An' Mrs. Pearson beed mad on the dickens. She maked us do a big pray at God for to say sorry 'bout that ruckus. Which, I thunk that beed funny acause He never even comed to visit. But I sayed it anyhows. An' I axed God does ya thinks what Santy Claus still gonna bring me a red CCM bike? Prawly not. Stupid Clive.

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